Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for all the human kindness and giving so selflessly i see unfold each and every day…It is there always…but at times hard to see…It brings me to tears…to see that in times of great darkness and challenges its clear to see that the human spirit it so very BRIGHT…LOVING & KIND…I give THANKS to you all for your LOVE AND KINDNESS THAT YOU SHARE…


Blessings of love and light…❤j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for…that beautiful sweet little girl within…If i worte a note to my youger self in two words I would say to her… YOUR BEAUTIFUL…I was laying in bed last night giving thanks for everything in my presious day and my heart filled with such joy…my inner child was so happy and content…so we chatted a bit and I said to her that I was so thrilled to see her so happy…content and having fun!! I told her that she was safe and loved and protected and that if she needed anything I would be there for her…Its so interesting that our lives in our otter world can be so hectic with all sorts of unsettling events throughout the day…but when we take time to find the things that we are grateful for amongst the craziness…we can maybe find a bit of Pease…Love and Joy…and when we take a bit more time to go within and CHECK IN…inquire…we may find that deep sense of contentment…take a moment to quieten the mind and look inside…question…investegate…see if you can feel that peace and joy within…spend some time with that little child…if you had two words to say to your younger self what would it be?


Sending lots of love and light to you all…❤j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for EVERYTHING…the ups and downs that make me push to grow in even more ways than my mind can MAKE-UP…sometimes when we think so much…get wrapped up in all the cludder that (our chatter box mind) tells us…we suffer…dont forget the mind makes up stories that are not even true…BUT HEY…what if we push ourselves…in ways we know deep down in our HEARTS are right for us…we then can allow ourselves to learn that these stories our holding us back from our true potentional…our true nature…our true love within…maybe if we push ourselves… and fall…we can fly to new unimaginable heights…


Sending love and light to all…❤j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for the beauty of this presious life that we are gifted with…we are all visitors here on earth…living out our lives in the best way we know how…be still and feel the love and beauty around you…quieten your (chatter box) mind 
see if you can feel and notice the grace and peace around you that is there for you to receive…
YOU are all so special and beautiful…


Love and blessings ❤ j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for the lesson of nature once again…how impermanent we are…things are…by just noticing a tree bloom new in spring and the beauty it holds while the tree beside still shows its baroness from the season past.  If we just allow what is…to be just as it is…we remove a lot of suffering…be still in nature for just awhile and let it teach you exceptince…stillness…just be exactly as you are…whatever is there…you are perfect NOW JUST AS YOU ARE…


Love and blessings ❤j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for this moment…right now as I write this blog post I realize how truly presious life is…I mean truly presious…I know how controlling the (chatter box) mind and ego can be…but if we just sit for a moment…with what is…we can possibility notice that there is a space of silence…of love…of joy…of guidance… within… that just let’s everything be ok…if just for a moment…and then if we take more and more (moments) to be still and silence our (chatter box) it becomes a place of refuge…with so much love and grace that we feel completely supported and loved…be kind to your self and please know that you are loved…blessings ❤ j