Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for all the human kindness and giving so selflessly i see unfold each and every day…It is there always…but at times hard to see…It brings me to tears…to see that in times of great darkness and challenges its clear to see that the human spirit it so very BRIGHT…LOVING & KIND…I give THANKS to you all for your LOVE AND KINDNESS THAT YOU SHARE…


Blessings of love and light…❤j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for…that beautiful sweet little girl within…If i worte a note to my youger self in two words I would say to her… YOUR BEAUTIFUL…I was laying in bed last night giving thanks for everything in my presious day and my heart filled with such joy…my inner child was so happy and content…so we chatted a bit and I said to her that I was so thrilled to see her so happy…content and having fun!! I told her that she was safe and loved and protected and that if she needed anything I would be there for her…Its so interesting that our lives in our otter world can be so hectic with all sorts of unsettling events throughout the day…but when we take time to find the things that we are grateful for amongst the craziness…we can maybe find a bit of Pease…Love and Joy…and when we take a bit more time to go within and CHECK IN…inquire…we may find that deep sense of contentment…take a moment to quieten the mind and look inside…question…investegate…see if you can feel that peace and joy within…spend some time with that little child…if you had two words to say to your younger self what would it be?


Sending lots of love and light to you all…❤j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for the beauty of this presious life that we are gifted with…we are all visitors here on earth…living out our lives in the best way we know how…be still and feel the love and beauty around you…quieten your (chatter box) mind 
see if you can feel and notice the grace and peace around you that is there for you to receive…
YOU are all so special and beautiful…


Love and blessings ❤ j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for the lesson of nature once again…how impermanent we are…things are…by just noticing a tree bloom new in spring and the beauty it holds while the tree beside still shows its baroness from the season past.  If we just allow what is…to be just as it is…we remove a lot of suffering…be still in nature for just awhile and let it teach you exceptince…stillness…just be exactly as you are…whatever is there…you are perfect NOW JUST AS YOU ARE…


Love and blessings ❤j

Today i am grateful for…


Today i am so very thankful and grateful for the love…light and compassion in my heart to be able to listen…truly listen…without judgement…without the minds storytelling…without the comments and/or always trying to fix or change the situation…just to be with what is…with an open heart and an open ear…we all need to be heard (truly heard)…listen to someone with a quiet mind and an open heart with no comments or solutions… they will feel so loved and so grateful…
sending love and light to you all…❤j

Today I am Grateful for…

Today I am thankful and grateful for my beautiful parents who gave me life…  They were married on this day December 8th. I celebrate you with all my heart. I love you always MOM♥ and DAD♥

I am also truly thankful and grateful for this moment just as it is…for another day of love and grace and blessings…for the beloved mother earth, my parents, my husband, my children, all my family and friends, and to each and every one of you♥

Blessings in love and light…june

What are you grateful for today?Lao Tzu

Today I am grateful for…

Today I am thankful and grateful for my meditation practice which allow me to relax and open my heart completely, quieten my mind and look within.  I am able to see my true nature that is unconditioned pure essence of love, joy, peace and grace all contacted to the universal source energy of oneness.  As I sit completely relaxed and at peace connected in my heart space I feel the love and grace completely immerse my whole being with a warm loving soft light.  I can see my beloved divine in my heart space and my beautiful little child running and playing in a field of flowers. Meditation brings great peace, joy, love, bliss, contentment, relaxation, support, encouragement and healing to every part of our lives. Thank you my beloved Divine♥


Try this beautiful colour flower chakra meditation.

7 Health Benefits of Deep Relaxation

The next time you tune out and switch off and let yourself melt, remind yourself of all the good work the relaxation effect is doing on your body. These are just some of the scientifically proven benefits …


Relaxation appears to boost immunity in recovering cancer patients. A study at the Ohio State University found that progressive muscular relaxation, when practised daily, reduced the risk of breast cancer recurrence. In another study at Ohio State, a month of relaxation exercises boosted natural killer cells in the elderly, giving them a greater resistance to tumours and to viruses.


Emotional balance, means to be free of all the neurotic behavior that results from the existence of a tortured and traumatized ego. This is very hard to achieve fully, but meditation certainly is the way to cure such neurosis and unhealthy emotional states. As one’s consciousness is cleansed of emotionally soaked memories, not only does great freedom abound, but also great balance. As one’s responses then are not colored by the burdens one carries, but are instead true, direct and appropriate.


A study at the University of Western Australia found that women are more likely to conceive during periods when they are relaxed rather than stressed. A study at Trakya University, in Turkey, also found that stress reduces sperm count and motility, suggesting relaxation may also boost male fertility.


When patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome began practising a relaxation meditation twice daily, their symptoms of bloating, diarrhoea and constipation improved significantly. The meditation was so effective the researchers at the State University of New York recommended it as an effective treatment.


A study at Harvard Medical School found that meditation lowered blood pressure by making the body less responsive to stress hormones, in a similar way to blood pressure-lowering medication. Meanwhile a British Medical Journal report found that patients trained how to relax had significantly lower blood pressure.


Stress leads to inflammation, a state linked to heart disease, arthritis, asthma and skin conditions such as psoriasis, say researchers at Emory University in the US. Relaxation can help prevent and treat such symptoms by switching off the stress response. In this way, one study at McGill University in Canada found that meditation clinically improved the symptoms of psoriasis.


The simple difference between those who meditate and those who do not, is that for a meditative mind the thought occurs but is witnessed, while for an ordinary mind, the thought occurs and is the boss. So in both minds, an upsetting thought can occur, but for those who meditate it is just another thought, which is seen as such and is allowed to blossom and die, while in the ordinary mind the thought instigates a storm which rages on and on.

How to switch off stress

How can you use relaxation’s healing powers? Harvard researchers found that yoga, meditation and even repetitive prayer and mantras all induced the relaxation effect. ”The more regularly these techniques are practised, the more deeply rooted the benefits will be,” Jake Toby says. Try one or more of these techniques for 15 minutes once or twice a day.

Body Scan: Starting with your head and working down to your arms and feet, notice how you feel in your body. Taking in your head and neck, simply notice if you feel tense, relaxed, calm or anxious. See how much you can spread any sensations of softness and relaxation to areas of your body that feel tense. Once your reach your feet, work back up your body.

Breath Focus: Sit comfortably. Tune into your breath, follow the sensation of inhaling from your nose to abdomen and out again. Let tension go with each exhalation. When you notice your mind wandering, return to your breath.

Mantra Repetition: The relaxation response can be evoked by sitting quietly with eyes closed for 15 minutes twice a day, and mentally repeating a simple word or sound such as ”Om”.

Guided Imagery: Imagine a wonderfully relaxing light or a soothing waterfall washing away tension from your body and mind. Make your image vivid, imagining texture, colour and any fragrance as the image washes over you.

In gratitude to my beloved divine,guides, angles, helpers, mother earth, my parents, my husband, my children, my family, my friends and to each and everyone of you…

Blessings in love and light…june♥

Today I am grateful for…

Today I am so very thankful and grateful for my divine keeping me protected and safe throughout my day.  As I start my day, each and every day, I let my heart open in gratitude and give thanks for my comfortable restful sleep in my warm cozy bed in the safety of my beautiful home.  While lying snuggled in the warmth of my cozy bed when I first wake up I express my deep gratitude to my loving divine for nurturing and replenishing my body with grace, love and energy overnight so that I can start another day with a light open heart filled with love, grace, compassion, joy and gratitude.  I then ask my beloved divine guides, angles and helpers of pure love and light to guide me though this day ahead in which ever way is necessary with a complete open heart. Surrendering to my beloved divine knowing that whatever lies ahead for me I will be completely nurtured and supported by her love and grace. Knowing fully well that their my be bumps in the road which are there as life lessons to learn from, an opportunity to heal past karma and clear blockages (energy) that get in the way of living our life with a loving open heart towards our self and others. Be kind to yourself, Be open to receive the many blessings…know that you are LOVED and SUPPORTED.

You are loved
You are loved

Start your day with gratitude and see how it fills your heart with love and joy…what are you grateful for today?  be gratefulgrateful heartsthank you godI am grateful for:

As always, I my deeply thankful and grateful for my beloved mother earth, my parents, my husband, my children, my family, my friends, my perfect health, happiness, freedom to live in peace and to each and everyone of you…

Blessings in love and light…june

Today I am grateful for…

Today I am truly thankful and grateful for the darling pets in my life and to all the loving animals in the world who are always there to welcome and love us no matter how are day is going…in good times and bad they are there to love us unconditionally, without judgement or opinions just true pure love, joy and grace…Thank you beloved mother earth, divine, guides and angels for all you grace, love, guidance and support.  To my parents, husband, children, family and friends and to each and everyone of you…

blessings in love and light june

This is my puppy buddy, he is getting older now but still plays like a puppy and fills our home and hearts with his cuteness and love.
This is my puppy buddy, he is getting older now but still plays like a puppy and fills our home and hearts with his cuteness and love.
she feeds my heart and soul with so much love
This is my grand-puppy tana…she feeds my heart and soul with so much love and joy…what a special darlin.

there is always something to be thankful for!What are you grateful for today?